Tuesday, December 9, 2014

If You Do What You've Always Done...

You'll get what you've always gotten. I know that, and it's why I'm feeling like I need to change the way I've been thinking, and what I've been doing. I had a terrible week last week. Nothing particularly bad happened, although I had some interactions with people in my life that were not great. More I was just dealing with feelings that I've been working through for awhile, but I just got into a bad mood early in the week, and couldn't get out. Anything that happened that bothered me, then REALLY bothered me. As usual, I found comfort in food. Problem is that I am now so aware of how I use food, that's it's hard to just take comfort from it, because at the same time I'm psycho-analyzing why I'm eating it! At one point I was actually listening to something about binge eating, while sitting on the couch eating a big bag of M&M's!

By Sunday night I was done, and decided that it was time to end my pity party. My WW week usually starts fresh on Wednesday, but I needed the week to be over NOW. I knew that I was already way into the negative with my points (and that was not even counting all the stuff I'd eaten and not tracked). If I had to wait until Wednesday to wipe the slate clean, I probably would've said screw it, and continued my free for all on Monday and Tuesday. Since I only plan on weighing in once a month now, it doesn't really matter what day I choose to start my week, so I went in and changed it to Monday. I woke up yesterday morning to a fresh start.

On Friday I bought a 15 lb kettlebell, and started doing Tracy Reifkind's free YouTube workouts. She does just the swing, and I love it! I've done a 30 and a 20 min workout so far. I don't feel it while I'm doing it, but the next day I feel it in my arms, abs, butt and hamstrings. I love that it's something I can do at home, and that it's small! When I got to work yesterday, I wrote out my weekly exercise plan. It was stressing me out trying to work in yoga, running, kettlebell, and my new exercise bike. Once I got it on paper, it all fit!

Mon: (if I'm off) 20 min bike, 10-20 min k bells, yoga at night. If I'm working, no yoga.
Tues: Run 3 miles
Wed: 30 min k bells, deep stretch yoga
Thurs: Run 3 miles
Fri: 30 min k bells
Sat: (if I'm off) yoga. If I'm working, rest.
Sun: yoga

I was looking for a new activity monitor to replace my broken WW activelink. For a number of reasons, I chose the Fitbit One, and it will arrive tomorrow. I can still sync it to my WW etools, and track everything in points. However, I am considering switching over to counting calories. My brain thinks in terms of points, but I've gotten very interested in the biology of fat loss (I guess I am a science geek at heart!) Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR), Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE), calorie cuts, refeeds, etc., are all talked about in terms of calories eaten vs. calories burned. I think it would be easier for me to experiment with these things if I could start thinking in terms of calories rather than points. The thing that makes this all the most interesting to me is the idea that, often when we are trying to lose weight, we are eating too LITTLE. I'm pretty sure my mind can be trained to think differently if it will allow my body to have more food!

Right now I'm just listening to different podcasts on the topic, and plan to start reading about it a little more. I am so used to doing things the same way, that part of me wonders why bother changing it up. The answer is that, while what I've been doing has been fine, what if there is something better out there? If I just stay with what's comfortable, I'll never know what I might be missing. This applies to my life in a number of ways, and I think that 2015 will be the year that I shake things up!

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