Wednesday, March 11, 2015

I'm Famous!!!

Well, at least in my mind I am! Seriously, one of the coolest things I've ever experienced was being interviewed for, and then listening to, my episode of the Half Size Me Show (#161)! You can listen to my episode by clicking here. I've gotten very positive feedback from friends, family, and fellow HSMC members. I also received new blog followers, and an email from a man who lost 291 lbs, and said that he can relate to my struggles with maintenance. It's been incredibly rewarding, and I feel so lucky to have been given the opportunity to tell my story in such a unique way.

The biggest surprise for me has been how much I've gotten from listening to my own interview. It came out on Monday, and I've listened to it 3.5 times! The first time was at 5am Monday morning, after it first came out. The second time was on Monday when I was running on the treadmill, and the 3rd time was Monday evening in the car while I was out running errands. This morning I went to the gym to run, and started out listening to an audiobook. But the run felt hard today, so I switched over to my podcast. Hearing myself say that I knew that the weight would never win because I would never give up, pushed me through a difficult workout. Before last night's HSMC meeting, Heather and I were talking. I said that hearing myself speaking so logically, authoritatively, but also honestly about what I did, what I need to do, and how hard it is, empowers me to push forward now. I feel like hearing my own words, in my own voice, will be an invaluable tool to help me get back to where I want to be, and stay there. It's an amazing gift I was given, and I'm so grateful!

I weighed in at WW today, and was up 0.8 lbs from last week. Considering that I weighed myself on Monday and was up 2.5 lbs, I will take the 0.8! I was talking to my boyfriend this morning, and told him that the key for me now is to get the weekends under control. His response? "We can do that together." That kind of support is so helpful...I am very lucky! We agreed that we still want to eat out, but maybe need to do an appetizer OR dessert, not both. I also need to stop looking at every meal out as a "special occasion" (ie; an excuse to eat whatever I want), and make better choices. He can support me, but he can't do it for me. Ultimately, what I eat is my decision, and only I can do the work that needs to be done.

After WW, I went to the gym and ran. I normally run on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but Tuesday I had a hair appointment, and tomorrow I have continuing education all day long. Rather than use those as excuses to not run, I just shuffled things around. Tomorrow and Friday I'll get my exercise in by walking from Penn Station to Bryant Park and back. If the weather is anything like it is today, I'll enjoy those walks immensely!! After my run, I was hungry, because I rarely eat before I work out. I wanted a bagel with cream cheese, but I had that yesterday during my hair appointment, and want to keep that as a treat. Instead, I bought a 2 pack of hardboiled eggs at Wawa, along with my coffee, and ate those instead.

My focus right now is on staying at around 1500 calories a day (with free fruits and veggies), increasing my protein and water intake, and starting to train for my June half marathon. If I do those things, weight loss will follow. I'm in a very good place right now mentally, and am looking forward to the warm weather, trips I have planned, and getting to a place physically where I feel best. I know it will happen if I put the work in, and I will...quitting is NOT an option!


  1. You sound very up and motivated. It was a great podcast!!!

  2. It was an awesome podcast and your on your way to reaching your goal soon! I just signed up for your Blog to cheer you on!!

  3. Thank you, Rose, for sharing your journey. I heard your podcast today at Half Size Me and I feel inspired to work harder at achieving my weight loss goals, too. Let's keep up the good fight!
