Monday, April 13, 2015

Cutting Ties

I cancelled my WW Monthly Pass this morning, and I'm not going back. I had a great Wed/Thurs/Fri, an ok Sat, and a could've been better Sunday in terms of eating, and have been rocking my exercise plan...running, weights and walking. I got on the scale this morning and was basically the same as Wednesday. I'm sure a lot of it is the salty meals I had out this weekend, but immediately my mind kicked into "Ok, I've got to starve until Wednesday" mode. I got in the shower and decided I was done. I lost my weight weighing in on Friday mornings. I could then relax a bit over the weekend, and still undo any damage by just eating normally for the week. Because of my work schedule, I can no longer attend Friday morning meetings. I tried Thursdays (too far), and Wednesdays (too soon after the weekend). I realized that I am paying $45 a month to just go stand on the scale and have someone tell me what I already know, because I just weighed myself at home. I then leave and go work out...I don't stay for meetings anymore, because I get nothing out of them. I am going to do this on my own (with the help of the HSMC), or I'm not going to do it. I came very close to saying that I'm not even going to track anymore, because I'm so sick of thinking about what I'm going to eat, what I did eat, what I didn't eat, what I should eat, etc. After 37 years of this, I'm tired! I'm not quite ready to try intuitive eating...yet. I don't track on the weekends, and that's as much as I can let go now. I just want to eat what makes me feel good, workout to get strong, and enjoy this amazing time in my life. I'm ready to make something other than my weight the focus of my life. It's time.

1 comment:

  1. 40 years here. Glad you are going to what works. Onward!
