I want a life free from weight obsession. To have that, I need to stop obsessing about my weight! I've realized that, for me, that means no numbers...no tracking of points or calories, just pictures of what I'm eating to keep me mindful. It also means no scale. My success will be based on changing my body composition by increasing my strength, by getting out and walking with my dog, because it clears my mind and gets me outside. It will be based on nurturing a wonderful relationship with an amazing man...something I have waited for for SO long! To find him, I went WAY outside my comfort zone, and in doing so, I have created the life I dreamed of. To fully enjoy it, I need to step further out of my comfort zone, and ditch the numbers!
I've started listening to some new podcasts, namely Lift Like a Girl with Nia Shanks, and Fearless Rebelle Radio with Summer Innanen. Like Half Size Me with Heather Robertson, these podcasts promote being happy with yourself NOW, not waiting until you get to some future ideal to live the life you want to live. They all understand that this journey to self-love and self-acceptance looks different for each person, but the main ideas are the same. Let go of the idea of perfection, figure out what you are willing to do forever, not just for 3 weeks or 6 months, eat what makes you feel good, eat when you are hungry, and realize that food is JUST food. Exercise because it makes you stronger, releases stress, and improves your health, not with the goal of getting skinny. The biggest lesson I'm learning is that I should do things that make me MORE, not things that make me less (smaller, lighter, less noticeable, quieter, etc.)
I started doing Nia Shanks 3x3x3 weight lifting program, and I love it! I love feeling stronger, love seeing muscles develop, love being able to put MORE weight on my bar, rather than focusing on seeing LESS weight on the scale. I've actually put my scales away, and I have no idea when, if ever, I'll get back on. I took my waist and hip measurements today, and will take them again next month. I hope to lose inches but, in the meantime, I bought myself some jeans and pants that fit me NOW. I'm really trying to enjoy the journey...enjoy getting stronger, enjoy my walks, which is when I get outside, listen to podcasts or audiobooks, drink my coffee, and clear my head. No matter what size I end up, I will be stronger, and I will be happy. That I know for sure.
I can feel the positive energy here! This sounds like a solid plan that really focuses on the goals that are important to you! I'm looking forward to seeing how the shift away from the numbers goes for you! Thanks for sharing where you are at!