Wednesday, April 1, 2015

The Jeans

Last week I did 2 shakes a day, plus a dinner, every day except for Sunday and yesterday. I started officially training for my 1/2 marathon in June, and ran 4 miles on Sunday (the longest run I've done in about 6 months). I also started weight training again, also for the first time in about 5-6 months. On Saturday night I tried on a pair of jeans that I was last able to wear in January. For the first time in MONTHS, I got them on, zipped, and buttoned! They are not comfortable enough to wear yet, but I got them on, and felt great! I did have a few meals where I ate more than was ideal, and I made some not so great choices as far as snacking, but overall, it was a good week.

And then...I got on the scale at WW this morning, and am up 1.2 pounds. At first I was VERY discouraged. Why did I drink all those stupid shakes??? Then I went to the gym to do my weight training, and realized that, at just my 3rd session, I feel stronger. I decided in the car on the way home that I was going to shift my focus, and shift the focus of this blog.

I am going to continue to weigh in weekly at WW, because it is very important to me to get back to goal and maintain my lifetime status. However, my focus is going to be on wearing those jeans out this spring, and be able to breathe! My focus is going to be on continuing to train for my half marathon, and increase my mileage by one mile with each weekend long run. My focus is going to be on increasing my reps and weight during my weight training sessions. I'm no longer going to report my weight gains or losses here, at least not for now. There are so many things about me that are more important than how much I weigh.

I'm listening to an old HSMC meeting from the beginning of the year. The meeting was about goal setting, and during the meeting we wrote down goals in a notebook. Yes, I wrote down weight loss goals, and no, I haven't achieved them yet. However, on a separate page, I wrote down that I wanted to give online dating a try (it terrified me, and I'd avoided it like the plague for years!) I wrote down what I hoped to do, and what I hoped to find in a partner, and what type of relationship I wanted, and deserved. I had forgotten that I wrote this all down, but when I read through it, it made me smile. I sucked it up, gave it a try, met Jeff 2 days later, and have never been happier.

Yep, there is SO much more to life than a number on a scale :)

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