I stopped the diet after 12 days rather than doing 21. I decided that I wanted/needed to get back to eating in a sustainable way, and that I didn't want to take an additional 4 weeks after the initial 3 to reintroduce things one at a time. I ate out Friday night, Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning, and had dessert twice. On Monday morning I was up 2.3 lbs. Last night I had Thai food and this morning was up another 2-3. Thing is, I am so not freaking out! I know it's water, I feel in control, my clothes fit, and I'm happy with how I look. I have not had any adverse reactions to the foods I've eaten. I feel great!
My plan is to continue with a shake for breakfast, and probably for lunch, during the week, and a shake for breakfast on the weekends. During the week I will have a "sensible" dinner, and will limit white flour and sugar. I will keep peanuts, corn and soy to a minimum, and will save sweets for treats on the weekend, and not bring them into my home. I will continue to track on MFP, and I really need to up my activity again. I haven't run or done kettle bells in weeks, although I have been walking and riding my recumbent bike. At first I blamed my inactivity on being sick. Then on Saturday I fell on the ice while walking the dogs, and hurt my neck. Now I have no excuse, and March, when I need to start training for my 1/2 in June, is not that far off.
Last night I put on a pair of jeans, and loved what I saw. I looked curvy, and I liked it! My goal is not to be skinny. It's to be in control, to feel healthy and happy, and to not have to buy new clothes. Right now, most of those boxes are checked off, and once I start running again, I'd say I'll be at 100%.
The Virgin Diet did exactly what I'd hoped it would. It got me back up and running (well, walking!) It snapped me out of my Christmas sugar binge and gave me structure, control, and discipline. It removed a bunch of water weight, and allowed me to wear something other than leggings and yoga pants. I knew that my body would rebound once I started eating more normally again, but that's ok. I am no longer a slave to the scale.
Life is good right now, and I'm feeling very comfortable in my skin. I'm excited about my interview for the HSM show (I'll be interviewed on 2/9, will let you know when my episode airs.) I'm excited about my race in June (although not about the training!) I'm excited about my 20th reunion. I'm excited about the fact that I've worked really hard on myself over the past year, and have started to have opportunities to put into action some of the changes I wanted to make. As I said, life is good.
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