Last night at our HSM meeting, we were asked to write down goals, why we wanted to accomplish them, and what behaviors we would change to make those goals happen. I decided to do something similar here, to try and hold myself more accountable.
1) Significantly decrease the amount of processed foods in my diet. I know I should be more specific with this, but I don't do well with the term "eliminate." I'm going to limit myself right now to one Diet Coke a day with dinner (unless I'm out, in which case I will be more lenient). I am not going to bring sweets into my home, unless I am hosting a party. I will let myself have a piece of cake, etc. if I'm at a gathering at someone else's house. I am going to begin transitioning from flavored creamer in my coffee to unsweetened almond coconut milk. This will be a process. I will do the best I can.
2) Take a yoga class 1-2 times a week.
3) Do some type of strength training 3x a week.
4) Try a Les Mills Body Pump class, to see if I want to purchase the home kit.
5) Run 3 miles 2x a week (until March, when I will begin training for my next half marathon).
6) Walk 3 miles with Marty as often as I can.
7) Use my recumbent bike on cardio days when I am unable to walk/run outside or get to the gym.
8) Switch my gym membership from Retro to Planet Fitness.
9) Run my 3rd half marathon on Sunday, June 14th in Philadelphia, PA. This is the same race I ran this past June (my first half). I had the most amazing experience, and am excited to do it again! The half I ran in October left a bad taste in my mouth. I had a great weekend in NH with my best friend, but training during the summer was awful, the race course was extremely challenging, and I walked a lot. I want to redeem myself!
10) Be at my goal weight of 142-145 when I attend my 20th college reunion the weekend of June 19-21.
11) Try new foods and recipes (I HATE to cook, but love my crockpot!)
12) Grocery shop once a week with a plan...foods I need to prepare healthy breakfasts, lunches and dinners for the work week.
13) Prepare 1-2 dishes on the weekends which I can heat up and have for dinner during the week.
14) Limit my eating out to 1x per work week, and on weekends.
15) Continue to attend HSM meetings once a week, HSM maintenance meetings once a month, and weigh in at WW once a month.
16) Drink at least 24 oz of water a day. I know I need to drink much more than this, but since I basically drink none, it's a start.
17) Limit binge eating to no more than 2x a month, with the ultimate goal being to eliminate it completely.
18) Continue the work I began this year, which is helping me to uncover the reasons for my bingeing, and to develop better ways of dealing with unpleasant feelings and emotions.
19) Work on being kinder to myself. Remind myself that I am worthy of respect, attention, love, and effort, both from myself, and from those I allow to be in my life.
I would've liked to end on a #20, but I can't think of anything else. If you think it would help, feel free to leave your goals in the comment section. Have a safe, fun New Year's Eve, and may 2015 bring you everything you wish, and work, for!!
Great goals!